Areas to Volunteer
Interested in Volunteering in some way?
Would you like to be part of a community of fellowship and service?
We have many ways in which you can serve. This is a new section that will be developed so that we can share with you some of the many ways in which your Time and Talents can be put to great use. Maybe you will see something that you feel your gifts can be used for.
We are grateful to the many humble servants that give of their time and talents towards servings the needs of others.
Maybe you also have ways that you can join in serving the church community, and possibly the local community with your talents all while enjoying the rewarding experience of fellowship with others doing similar things. Many hands make light work, we hope you can find an area to serve.
Attached below are the front page and the back page of Zion's "Time and Talent" sheets, which allow you to fill in the areas you would like to volunteer the gifts of your Time and Talents towards unique ways you can help us.
Once you print this off and fill it out, then you can mail it to Zion at:
Zion Lutheran Church
PO Box 915
Schenectady, NY 12301
Time and Talent Sheet page (2 pages)
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