Groups to join
Looking for fellowship or a group to join?
Are you in search of some fellowship in a group, or maybe an area that you can offer your talents to a good cause within the church which will also give you connectivity with others?
We may have some areas that might interest you.
* Men's Group:
An outing of the Men's Group is pictured above at the first meeting in almost 2 years on November 6th, 2021 (delayed for almost 2 years due to the Pandemic), which included our new Pastor, Pastor Francis joining us.
This group of gentlemen usually meet the first Saturday morning of each month in the Fellowship hall upstairs, starting to cook around 8 am and then eat around 8:30. Usually cleaned up and parting ways by 9:30-9:45 am. They gather to cook breakfast in the kitchen, then "break bread" in the adjoining fellowship parish hall while having conversation, laughter, fellowship, and prayer. Sometimes the gatherings are "off-site" with a fishing venture at someone's camp in the summer, or a morning drive to a local Syrup producer for breakfast in the Spring. These fellas usually are also the ones cooking at the annual church picnic and at other dinner events with the church. It's an OPEN group for Men, and all are welcome.
Want to be on the mailing list for monthly details of upcoming events?
Contact Ken Moore at his email address: kmoore01@nycap.rr.com
* Church Hiking Group:
Do you enjoy getting out into nature with fellow hikers and friends?
Well then, we may have just the group for you...it's the Zion's Church
Hiking Group. Organized by Bruce Heap and an active group for
many years now, he coordinates hikes in local places and even a little
further up into the Adirondack mountains for other hikes.
Sometimes it's a Saturday morning hike, sometimes it's a Sunday
afternoon hike, but either way, you will always have fun and
fellowship with other Church friends while enjoying the beauty of
Gods Nature. Come join us!
Want to get on the email announcement group notification?
Reach out to Bruce Heap at bheap@nycap.rr.com