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Outside Our Walls

Zion's Community Outreach Initiatives

“Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.” Romans 15:7

Zion recognizes our many blessings and talents of our members.  We are proud to work with organizations both near and far to spread God's love and give back.

Organizations We Currently Serve

  • God's Garden: Haiti.  The Sunday School classes of Zion collect an offering each week for the great work beging done at God's Garden in Haiti.  Over $2,000 was donated by Zion's youngest members in 2019.

  • Salvation Army Soup Kitchen.  "The Salvation Army in Schenectady, New York is a Christian organization dedicated to serving the needy without discrimination. We have a large group of members and volunteers who help us to this end. We try to meet physical, material, spiritual and social need of both youth and adults in our community." Zion members serve monthly and a sign up for future dates is on the bulletin board.  In 2019 we served 1183 meals and volunteered 243 hours at the Soup Kitchen.  

  • Schenectady Day Nursery.  "Today, SDN is leading the way for childcare and early childhood education. We strive to instill creativity and imagination in our young learners. From the "Eat Well, Play Hard" program to our reading skills and art activities, children are challenged and cheered on."  Zion members read with children, snuggle infants and deliver food.  We also share our meeting space with the Schenectady Day Nursery Board.

  • Street Soldiers III.   "StreetSoldiers is a grassroots group of volunteers and friends started in 2016 by Mike and Renee Fahey which runs completely on donations. We are people helping people."  Zion is proud to be the winter home of Street Soldiers III.  Each Sunday from 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM Street Soldiers III meets at Zion to provide food, clothing and other necessities to up to 250 people.  Zion members are encouraged to donate goods, make or serve food or give of their time.  

Get Involved

  • Members and non-members are invited to join in these initiatives or to suggest other ways that Zion can connect with the community. 

Food Drive

Zion holds a monthly food drive on one Saturday each month.  Usually the drive is on the third or fourth Saturday each month from 10 am - 12 noon (2 hours), depending on other activities.

Please read the Bulletin Insert, or call the church office to verify the next date. 

We will always be accepting donations of non-perishable food items in plastic, boxes, and cans- no glass.

Just drive to the back of the church parking lot by the storage shed/garage and we’ll take the donations from your car!

Donations will be distributed to Schenectady Inner City Ministry Emergency Food, StreetSoldiers III Schenectady

& the City Mission of Schenectady.

 - Thank you! -

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