Bible Studies
Immanuel, Trinity, and Zion are pleased to be offering a number of Bible Study opportunities this fall. Click on any of the links below to join the study virtually. One note, the meeting will be active a few minutes before the starting time each week. You can also email Pastor Matthew Schultz to be added to the virtual meeting so that the Bible Study of your choice will appear in your calendar.
The Practice of Prayer
Pastor Patrick Singh
Tuesdays at 6:30 pm
Kristin Schultz
Wednesdays at 7pm
Pastor Matthew Schultz
Wednesdays at 7 pm
An Overview of the Book of John
A three-part video series available any time. with Pastor Chip Froehlich.
The Gospel of John, Part 1
The Gospel of John, Part 2 — The Gospel that is Different
The Gospel of John, Part 3 — The High Priestly Prayer
Bible studies are held on Sundays (in the Wildgrube Room) and Pastor Francis is passionate about spreading the message.
Each Sunday, before the 10 am service, there will be in-person Bible Studies led by Pastor Francis himself,
from 9:10 am-9:50 am (prior to our 10 am service).
-- Please, come and join us--
Any questions, please contact Pastor Francis at his email: pastorfrancis@zionlcny.org